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Our care courses help you to learn new skills in specific areas of study. With easy to navigate lessons and next day certification, it has never been easier to improve your CPD for the care sector. Each course has been created by an industry expert and covers a vital area of study.

ADHD Awareness

ADHD Awareness

This course will help you to understand ADHD better, it will look at the possible factors that could cause a child to have ADHD, the assessment that children can have if it is suspected they have ADHD and the support for them and their family after a diagnosis. We will also look at ADHD in adults and why it can be harder to diagnose.

Administering Medication

Administering Medication

Studying our Administering Medication CPD course will give you vital knowledge on how to correctly store, administer and dispose of medication in line with government legislation and guidelines.

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness

This course will help you to have a better understanding of autism including what autism is and how to spot signs and symptoms. We will then go onto look at getting a diagnosis as an adult and how it is different to a diagnosis for a child.

COVID-19 Awareness

COVID-19 Awareness

This COVID-19 course will help give you more insight into what is happening globally in the world, what rules are in place and how we can protect each other. After completing this course you will have a better understanding of what Coronavirus is, who it affects and how we can begin to go back to work in the safest possible way.

COVID-19 In Healthcare

COVID-19 In Healthcare

This course will give you a greater understanding of the measures in place to eliminate or to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the healthcare setting. You will learn how to write a risk assessment in relation to COVID-19, as well as carrying out first aid during COVID-19.

Care Certificate

Care Certificate

Our Care Certificate course covers the 15 different Care Certificate standards, this course is suitable for new employees working in health and social care roles. This course will provide you with the fundamental skills that are needed in your health and social care job role, to provide quality care.

Child Neglect Awareness

Child Neglect Awareness

This course will highlight what to do if you suspect a child is at risk of neglect and how to report it. You will also consider why children may never disclose that they are being neglected or abused. Our Child Neglect Awareness course will also outline the impacts of child neglect long-term.

Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation

It is important that anyone who works with children is aware what child sexual exploitation is and how to notice that a child could be at risk of sexual exploitation. On completion of the course students will feel they have more knowledge on child sexual exploitation and how to look after children that are in their care.

Children’s Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health

It is important for people who work with children to know how they can support children who have mental health difficulties. This Children’s Mental Health course will give you an insight into the different types of mental health difficulties common in children and how to help young people through these.

Dementia Awareness

Dementia Awareness

Helping a person with dementia to maintain quality of life is extremely important. This dementia awareness course will help carers, family members and those living with dementia how to diagnose, treat and live dementia to ensure quality of life is always central in a care plan.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is an extremely important area of interest to ensure that a person’s human rights are preserved. This course covers the basics of DoLS and the legislation behind it, so that you can successfully make decisions that promote an individual’s choice.

End of life care

End of life care

Our end of life care course is perfect for people who work with people who are nearing the end of their life. Students will feel they have more knowledge on effective communication and person-centred care, as well as the legislation and policies that surround end of life care.

Infection Control

Infection Control

This course is essential for anyone who works in care and gives a great knowledge of what infections are and how to stop them from spreading. Various types of infections will be explained and the control measures which should be in place will be fully explored, as well as the steps to take in the event of a breach.

Managing behaviour that challenges

Managing behaviour that challenges

This course is perfect for people who live and work with children who experience behaviour that challenges. Throughout the course we look at some of the causes and consequences of such behaviour and what kinds of strategies can be developed in order to manage it in the most effective way.

Mental Capacity Act

Mental Capacity Act

This online Mental Capacity Act course teaches students the basics of this legislation, as well as how to carry out best interests decisions. Assessing capacity and various legal powers are also explained to ensure students have a strong knowledge of the five key principles of the MCA.

Mental Health Act

Mental Health Act

Our online Mental Health Act course allows you to gain the knowledge of this important piece of legislation and what it means for people working in the care sector. The course covers the various guiding principles within the Mental Health Act as well as how people are treated in accordance with the legislation.

Moving and Handling in Care

Moving and Handling in Care

Studying our Moving and Handling in Care course is the perfect way to ensure you know the risk of poor moving in the care sector. Correct procedures when using specialist equipment are covered and a full knowledge of how to move people correctly will be developed.

Needles and Sharps

Needles and Sharps

This course is perfect for people that work in the healthcare environment and need to know about handling needles and sharps. The law surrounding needle usage and disposal will be covered, as well as best practice to ensure risks is minimised.

PPE in Healthcare

PPE in Healthcare

This course will give you a greater understanding of the importance of selecting, using and maintaining PPE In the healthcare profession. You also will be brought up to date with the changes to previous guidance in response to COVID-19. After completing this course you will have a better understanding of how to use PPE in the healthcare sector, what PPE is for and how to use various pieces of equipment safely.

Paediatric First Aid Training

Paediatric First Aid Training

Our paediatric first aid course is perfect for any qualified first aiders, who work around children to complete to refresh their training, so that they are up to date on their knowledge.

Workplace First Aid

Workplace First Aid

Our workplace first aid course is perfect for any qualified first aiders, who are one of the designated first aiders in the workplace to complete to refresh their training, so that they are up to date on their knowledge.

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