ADHD Awareness
£20 + VAT
This course will help you to understand ADHD better, it will look at the possible factors that could cause a child to have ADHD, the assessment that children can have if it is suspected they have ADHD and the support for them and their family after a diagnosis. We will also look at ADHD in adults and why it can be harder to diagnose.
All about this course
This ADHD course will explore the environmental and genetic factors that could increase the risk of ADHD. We will look at the signs and symptoms of ADHD and the three main categories of ADHD. We will then look at the criteria that must be met before a formal diagnosis of ADHD can be made. We will also look at the different types of professionals that can carry out the assessment and what is involved. Finally, we will then go onto look at the support that is available for children with ADHD including within education, as well as support for parents. We will also explore the main policies and legislations in place surrounding ADHD.
You will earn 3 CPD points on completion of the course, this course will take around 3 hours to complete and the certificate will last for two years.
Fully CPD registered
Completed online with instant downloadable certificate
Fully printed certificate posted next day
Covers all required legislation and practices
Complete the online multiple choice assessment as many times as you need to pass
Units covered
Unit 1 – Introduction to ADHD – In our first unit we will be exploring what ADHD is. We will also look at how it is often linked to other medical conditions. As well as explore some theories about what causes ADHD.
Unit 2 – Causes of ADHD – In this unit we will look at how environment and genetic factors could increase the risk of ADHD, as well as looking at why ADHD is so widely misunderstood.
Unit 3 – Signs and symptoms of ADHD – This unit will look at how you can recognise signs and symptoms of children with ADHD, as well as how they can be presented differently in girls and boys.
Unit 4 – Diagnosing ADHD – In this unit we will look at what criteria needs to be met before a formal diagnosis can be made. As well as how to support those affected by the diagnosis.
Unit 5 – Living with ADHD – This unit will be look at the types of support that can be put into place to help people with ADHD, as well as their families.
Unit 6 – ADHD within education – This unit will look at what difficulties there is surrounding those with ADHD in education. It will also look at how teacher can help to support them.
Unit 7 – Understanding the law surrounding special educational needs and ADHD – In our final unit we will explore the legislations surrounding ADHD and why they are important to have in place.