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PTSD Awareness

PTSD Awareness

£20 + VAT

In our PTSD Awareness course you will learn that PTSD is not an easy condition to diagnose, as the ways in which is affects individuals can vary greatly. This course covers how PTSD can impact someone’s life and those around them, especially if it is gone unnoticed.

All about this course

Our PTSD Awareness course is suitable for anyone wanting a greater understanding about what post-traumatic stress disorder is and how to support someone who has it.

You will then learn that PTSD can be experienced at any age and that it appears to affect more women than men. You will consider that PTSD is a mental health condition caused by a traumatic experience.

The course will also cover in detail the signs and symptoms of PTSD, as well as looking at complex PTSD which is a condition that is separate to post-traumatic stress disorder.

You will learn that complex PTSD may result in the experience of emotional flashback in which there is intense feelings that were originally felt during the traumatic event.

Just like in adults, post-traumatic stress disorder can come about in children because of a situation that they have perceived to be traumatic.

You will learn that as children are often not able to process or understand their emotions in the same way as most adults can, they may be more prone to developing secondary trauma because of this.

You will consider that as well as being at greater risk of mental health problems, PTSD could also put people at increased risk of physical health problems as well.

2 out of 3 people who experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder will get better without the need for further treatment.

However you will learn the several options available if further treatment is needed to manage both the physical and the emotional symptoms of PTSD.

On completion of this course you will learn the concept of person-centred care and how this is applied to the development and application of a care and support plan.

In order to complete the course, you must achieve 80% or more in the final multiple choice quiz.

You will earn 3 CPD points on completion of the course, this course will take around 3 hours to complete and the certificate will last for two years.

Fully CPD registered
Completed online with instant downloadable certificate
Fully printed certificate posted next day
Complete the online multiple choice assessment as many times as you need to pass

Units covered

Unit 1 – What is PTSD? – The first unit of the course will explore how the concept of PTSD has developed from the early 20th century when it was first recognised as shell shock. The discussion will concern how shell shock came about and some of the difficulties that individuals had at the time in getting support for an illness that was not well understood. The unit then goes on to define what is meant by PTSD before looking at complex PTSD, in particular as a separate condition to PTSD.
Unit 2 – Who can be affected by PTSD? – This unit explores some of the reasons why people develop PTSD and will explain why some people are more susceptible to it than others. The unit also considers what some of the protective factors may be that can reduce the possibility of someone developing PTSD in response to a traumatic event. The unit also contains some quotes from people who live with PTSD, some of which may be distressing.
Unit 3 – What do people experience when living with PTSD? – The focus of this unit is about the experience of what it is like to live with PTSD. There will be an examination of what PTSD can feel like for individuals, followed by a summary of signs and symptoms. The unit then goes on to given details about how PTSD can affect the individual and their life and what kinds of difficulties it can cause for other people, such as family and friends.
Unit 4 – How is PTSD managed? – This unit concentrates on some of the ways in which PTSD can be best managed. It considers the importance of formal treatments and resources and then considers some of the best self-support strategies that individuals may be able to use in order to regain some kind of control over their life. The unit ends with an exploration of what other people can do to support the individual, which may be an integral part in a successful recovery.
Unit 5 – PTSD in children – This unit explores how PTSD affects children specifically, with an examination of how PTSD is recognised in children, when compared to adults and what kind of impact PTSD can have on a child’s long-term future if it is not successfully treated when it is first identified. The unit also considers some of the most effective ways that children can be supported to recover from traumatic stress and what some of the factors are that might reduce the impact that stress has on them in both the short and long term.
Unit 6 – Assessment and care and support plans – The final unit examines how PTSD is diagnosed and looks at some of the risks of not getting a diagnosis alongside why some people may be reluctant to seek one out. The unit also looks at the concept of person-centred care and how this is applied to the development and application of a care and support plan.

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