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RIDDOR Awareness

£20 + VAT

RIDDOR is an important area for workers to have knowledge on, in this course it will look at what RIDDOR is and the history around it. It will also look at what injuries need to be reported under RIDDOR and how to report an incident as well as the law around RIDDOR.

All about this course

This RIDDOR course covers everything that has to be reported relating to injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences. Throughout the course RIDDOR legislation in Northern Ireland and Great Britain will be covered. Students will gain the knowledge of employee responsibilities surrounding RIDDOR as well as covering when a RIDDOR report should be made, who should make the report and how to keep records of reports.

In order to complete the course, you must achieve 80% or more in the final multiple choice quiz.

You will earn 3 CPD points on completion of the course, this course will take around 3 hours to complete and the certificate will last for two years.

Fully CPD registered
Completed online with instant downloadable certificate
Fully printed certificate posted next day
Covers all required legislation and practices
Complete the online multiple choice assessment as many times as you need to pass

Units covered

Unit 1 – Introduction to RIDDOR – In our first unit we will be exploring what RIDDOR is and the reporting requirements of the regulations. We will also be looking at the changes from the 1995 regulation to the 2013 regulation as well as the importance of reporting and recording internally within an organisation.
Unit 2 – Reportable Incidents – Next we will look at an overview of what is reportable in Great Britain and Northern Ireland explaining what needs to be reported to RIDDOR and what doesn’t. We will also explore the different categories of injuries that need to be reported under RIDDOR.
Unit 3 – Reportable Diseases, Dangerous Occurrences and Incidents – Throughout this unit we will be looking at the categories of disease that legally have to be reported in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We will also look at the procedure for reporting gas hazards and incidents to the enforcement agency.
Unit 4 – Reporting an Incident – In this unit we will be looking at the timescales that is given for the different reportable incidents and we will learn when a report should be made under RIDDOR. This unit will also explain the different reporting forms available and how to make amendments to reports once they have been submitted.
Unit 5 – RIDDOR and the Law – In our final unit we will be looking at the possible circumstances where people may be breaching RIDDOR regulations Students will also look at the involvement of enforcement agencies and the penalties for breaking the law.

RIDDOR Awareness
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